Pet Dentistry

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It’s not just about clean teeth & breath.

Just like people, pets have to deal with dental diseases and related issues. Routine check-ups & dental cleanings become essential for your pet’s overall health. This is particularly important because humans take care of their teeth daily in addition to their dental visits.

There is more to pet dental cleaning than just eliminating bad breath…

Dental disease is not only painful, it may cause the pet not to eat properly, and it can also lead to serious problems within the pet’s body. This is not to undermine the symptoms of bad breath — as this is often the first sign of dental disease. Most of these associated conditions can result in major systemic issues that do not show any symptoms before the disease has already progressed. Therefore, it is vital for your pet’s health to have regular dental examinations and cleanings. As an Urbanpet Platinum member, your pet will receive free dental care annually.

Dental Care at home:

Veterinary dental visits once a year should be paired with home dental care to encourage healthy teeth and gums and, in turn, overall pet health. Just like humans, brushing your pet’s teeth has proven to be the most significant way to maintain good oral health. You should brush your pet’s teeth regularly — this will dramatically decrease the development of gingivitis and periodontal disease. You may also pick up oral health-promoting treats and foods in addition to regular brushing. We understand brushing your pet’s teeth can be difficult, but you must understand the benefits for your pet’s overall well-being. The best to accomplish this is by brushing your pet’s teeth from a young age so they learn to get used to the process!

Pet Dental Care at Urbanvet:

Your pet’s dental appointment will start with a quick exam with the doctor, where you are encouraged to mention any worrisome issues (i.e., possible mouth pain, eating habits, possible extractions, or infections) regarding your pet’s mouth. The veterinarian will also go over the process with you and set a pickup time for your pet. Pets need a comprehensive oral exam, & a thorough deep cleaning (teeth + beneath the gums), scaling, & polishing. This always requires sedation as the process is very involved, complex, and time-consuming (esp. if extractions are indicated).
If the veterinarian finds teeth infected or damaged in another way, they may need to be extracted. Depending on the severity of the damage, the tooth left in the mouth is likely to cause more harm than good. You can opt to have the doctor give you a call after he does an oral exam to communicate whether there are extractions which need to be performed. If this is the case, we ask that you please be accessible and reachable by phone, as your pet will be under sedation. Commonly, the clients will opt to have the extractions performed if they are not reachable so that their pet is not under anesthesia for longer than needed. Your specific pet may need certain Antibiotics to avoid infection. Additionally, extractions warrant using pain medications & soft can food for a few days to promote healing. Greenwood utilized the skills of many employees, including doctors, to provide the best care for your pet during this complex procedure.

Are you unsure if your pet needs to come in for Dental Care?

If your pet is experiencing any of the following signs, contact us to schedule your dental appointment right away.
These are some common signs pet owners like yourself can use to assess their pet’s oral health right now! Call or email us to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions about dental care.

Veterinary Services in Newport Beach, CA